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This is my Yaesu FTM 400D Radio.

It has dual VFO's, covering VHF, UHF and fusion modes.  Nice little radio and comes with programming cable and free software is available.

This is my TYT 380 Radio.

This seems to be a very popular little handheld at the moment and covers UHF and DMR.  Excellent little radio for a cheap cost compared to other radios.  Comes with programming cable.  Free software and core-plugs as well as firmware availible.

This is my ICOM 51DE Radio.

Nice radio but very expensive for what it is.  I got this radio because it does D-Star.  It covers VHF, UHF and monitors Air Band.  It has GPS which allows you to locate local repeaters providing they are preprogrammed into the radio.

i operate D-STAR, DMR and FUSION through a DV4MINI when it works, but due to it being unreliable I hope to be getting another little add on to my equipment to make using digital modes more reliable.


I also have several BAOFENG handhelds and a WOUXUN KGUV8D not that I use any of those much anymore - I guess I may sell them in the future.

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